My Cat Has a Feral Accent

From the time my previously feral cat was tiny her form of cat speak was atypical. Since ferals aren't around humans they communicate differently than their domestic counterparts. They make a series of trills and other vocalizations, some without opening their mouths. I call Mitsy 'my cat with a feral accent'. The sounds that she makes are much different than any cat I've had in the past. She can meow, but she had to learn how by observing my senior cat Panda Bear. She had lots to learn! Mitsy's First Meow I hadn't really thought much about Mitsy not meowing even though just about every sound she made came from her throat and through a closed mouth. One morning she let out a big loud meowww that surprised me and scared her! She wanted food, and she knew that she had to speak up. Mitsy's eyes looked as big as saucers after her very first word. She learned by observing Panda Bear communicate with house humans through meows. Since human beings are vocal crea...